Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Zilie krasti by Jānis Sārts


Izdeva:SIA "Stars"
Valoda:Latviešu val.
Lpp skaits:128
Zilie krasti

Jānis Sārts belongs to the Latvians repressed in Soviet times. As a writer, he is the author of the first anti-Soviet novel after the 1940 occupation of Latvia. Real name Jānis Apsītis, the next writer was born in Dūdumi, Kalsnava parish, in the family of the owner Jānis and Marija. There is still a sister Mirdza in the family. Studied at Kalsnava Parish School and Parish School. Lived for a short time in Riga, Jelgava. Worked casual jobs. After graduating from Pļaviņas Gymnasium, he lived and managed in Dūdumi, at the same time writing. He was a member of the association of creative workers "Green Crow". In 1940, already during the occupation, Jānis Sārts married the gardener Elizabeth Dzenitis (born in 1917). Growth in the family - daughter Māra Apsīte (later married to Gunārs Auditor). In the October 1940 newspaper "Cīņa" in Andrejs Upītis's review "The Balance of the Last 6 Years in the Life of Latvian Culture and Art", Jānis Sārta's prose is leveled with the ground and in terms of professionalism. After the expulsion of the Bolsheviks, the letter writes: "It is as if a miracle: some of us are still alive. As it was at this time - it is difficult to portray even briefly. .. "On December 6, 1941," Fatherland "begins to print the anti-Soviet novel" Deceived ". In the remarks left about the novel (..), the author writes: "The editors are calling:" too little blood! More inhumanity! If there is no material, we can deliver. We don't need type or character. Don't swear! "There is no more blood on Jānis Sārts' homeland. The novel is quickly completed and the publication soon stops. . ? Sārti is arrested on January 4, 1945. On January 8, a report was written that the following was confiscated during the search in Dūdumi: 1) passport, 2) temporary certificate, 3) marriage certificate, 4) VK (b) P Madona District Committee (! ) statement, 5) notes (one page) Sārts is already in Tagilga, in the Urals camp, on January 11. On January 19, the Chekist in Moscow sends Sārta's case back to the NKVD of the Latvian SSR, because he could not read them in "Cheated" Latvian. excerpts from the novel in Russian were prepared. On January 26, investigator Rosenstein concludes: In his literary works, Sārti slandered the Soviet state and praised the fascist system, the novels "Deceived" and "Promised Land" has anti-Soviet content. Only on July 28 was the arrested person's questionnaire filled in and the first interrogation takes place. It will take more than a year and a half before the indictment comes on July 2, 1946: to imprison the ITL for eight years (starting January 4, 1945) for the anti-Soviet agitation. Around this time, after the hard work of a slave, Sart writes prose. In January 1953, the sentence was served. Jānis Sārts returns to his homeland, dressed in a covered quilt, a homemade suitcase in his hands ... He works with his wife on a collective farm. On October 26, 1971, RS Technical Secretary Māra Misiņa sends the following letter: "b. Pink, so that you have been nominated for admission to the Writers' Union, please fill in the attached questionnaires in Russian (2 copies)." (..) I wonder why Sārts these documents are submitted only at the beginning of January 1972, when it is also explained that Ilze Indrāne, Pēteris Bauģis, and Edgars Damburs will give recommendations. Pink is not admitted to the Writers' Union ... The writer passed away on May 25, 1985. The disposal takes place on May 30. Writers Alberts Caune, Jānis Čākurs, Edgars Damburs, Ilze Indrāne, Lūcija Ķuzāne, Aleksandrs Pelēcis have arrived - from long distances. Buried in Veckalsnava cemetery.



Other works:

  • Gredzena burvība. Brīvdabas komēdija 2 d., A.Gulbis, 1935;
  • Dunču ciems. Stāsti, Zemnieka domas, 1935;
  • Viss pa gaisu. Komēdija, 3 cēl., 1936. (Dailes teātri – 1935);
  • Gredzens. Skatu luga, 3 cēl., Valters un Rapa, 1938;
  • Malu mednieki. Komēdija, Valters un Rapa, 1940;
  • Mežmalas paēnā. Tēlojumi, Liesma, 1971;
  • Dunču ciems (2. izd.), Gauja, Īstlansingā, 1977;
  • Aronas stāsti. [30. gadu stāstu izlase], sakārt. E.Damburs, Liesma, 1979.

Par Jāni Sārtu:

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